Welcome to More Share Consulting & Public Relations
Is an Egyptian company with limited liability - specialized in Tourism and Hospitality consultancy services.
Established under No. 1949 in 16/4/2017 according to the provisions of the law of shareholding companies 159 of 1981
We look at situations differently. We continually challenge the current situation with new and creative thinking, and have been established with the aim of building a public relations industry, where "MORE SHARE" offers a full range of services to government, corporate and multinational clients through a sophisticated portfolio includes strategic consulting, media sharing, and internal. Communications, crisis management and corporate social responsibility in a specialized unit to provide customers with a full range of consultancy and digital communications services.
The Target is Integration and Integrity at MORE SHARE our goal is to become so completely integrated into each client’s mission, philosophy, policies and operations that our output is in perfect harmony with corporate aspirations and communications strategies. We serve our clients’ business interests and objectives with discipline, professionalism, creativity and insight, with the aim of producing measurable results. Through our reliance on our team brings energy, experience and good ideas to the business of getting across timely and relevant messages. We look at problems from different perspectives and provide public relations solutions that are appropriate, practicable and cost-effective.
Along with top-quality consulting services, MORE SHARE - PR & Consulting offers tailored master classes, strategic workshops, and unique conferences.

We will write together a new path for success
“We know the region, we know the people, We know what works, and we know how to make it work”
More Share offers a full range of services to government, corporate and multinational clients through a sophisticated portfolio that includes Strategic Advisory, Media Engagement, Internal Communications, Crisis Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in a specialist unit to provide clients with a full complement of digital communications advisory and services.
By Our Experienced Team326
Happy Clients
Smart and Hard Workers89
Projects Finished
We Provides All Industry Services15
Business Solutions
Most Trusted Company By Experts574
The First PR & Consultant Tourism & Hospitality Investment in EGYPT
Smart Business Communications System SBCS’s Mission is to consistently apply superior standards of performance, service excellence, and corporate integrity. In doing so we will exceed the expectations of our customers by providing effective business solutions.
MORE SHARE looking forward to make the most extensive network of offices in the MENA region and is home to the largest number of Arabic speaking professionals in the business. Our knowledge of local markets and different industries allows us to create communications strategies and public relations campaigns that hit the mark.
Business environment:
The Egypt consulting industry is projected to grow rapidly in the years ahead, especially among self-employed consultants. Business consultants offer skills, knowledge, and expertise that clients cannot provide from within their own companies. These include planning, strategy, advice, problem solving, decision making, and development, writing, creativity, accounting and finance assistance. Consulting companies are invaluable for the contacts and networks they provide.
Our creative programs build and enhance a lasting reputation that ensures quality, protects against future issues, reduces the cost of capital and advances commercial success. We are working to achieve tangible results and competitive advantages for our clients through outstanding corporate communications.
We know what works, and we know how to make it work
Our Team
Our consultants are highly experienced in helping companies prepare for and address critical issues, around the clock


Pick Albatros Group
One of the best companies i have dealt with.

Chairman of Religious Tourism Committee in E.T.A.A
One of the best companies i have dealt with

CEO - Princess Cruise Line
One of the best companies i have ever dealt with.

CEO - Masters Travel Service
One of the best companies i have ever dealt with

Vice President - AHLEI
The best team I met in Egypt